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Teen Killers at Large

Writer's picture: Fictional HangoverFictional Hangover
the book Teen Killers at Large open to a chapter called Fear No Deere on a grid of the complete Teen Killers Club trilogy

Signal is meeting with her lawyer, Honor, hired by Aarush and Sonny Desai, and Skye Wiley-Stanton. If you will recall from the end of book two, Skye was most likely trying to kill Signal when Erik, hopped up on super soldier medication from camp, medication provided by Erik and Skye’s family's pharmaceutical company, CurtPro, attacks. Before running away and disappearing, Erik and Signal exchange I love yous. Now Signal is trying to convince her lawyer that Skye attacked her, but did he really? Honor convinces Signal to take back what she said about Skye and promises to look into the conservatorship Skye holds over Erik. Signal agrees and apologizes to Skye even though it makes her want to barf. 

Signal goes to her room in the Desai mansion but hears Skye out in the hallway. It's super creepy, but he claims he was returning an earring Jada left at the pool. They go off together toward the elevators and Signal tries to stop Jada, but then is cornered by Aarush. Signal really wants to keep her friend safe, but Aarush tries to keep her distracted, though he ultimately fails. He eventually tells her that the flashdrive with Janeane’s confession has been stolen, probably by someone in the house, probably one of her friends, but definitely not by Skye. This is not good news. What is good news though is that today is Signal’s 18th birthday and her friends have planned a surprise party! There is another surprise in store for her, too. Her mom has just arrived! Signal introduces her mom to all her friends and then there's one more surprise. A voice comes from the shadows. Is it Erik? No way!

No, it's not Erik, it's just some guy, and the Desais have him carted away. Sonny insists that Signal's mom stay the night and takes her away while Signal, Nobody, Jada, Dennis and Javier go to the in-home theater to watch a movie. Instead of watching though, Signal tells everyone about the flashdrive and Skye and that Aarush thinks one of them stole it and that it will hurt all their cases against Camp. Jada says that Skye gave her his number when they chatted earlier, which gives Dennis an idea. If Jada gets Skye chatting, Dennis can create a link that will clone Skye's phone. Jada starts texting and heads to her room and Dennis and Javier go to the gym, leaving Nobody and Signal alone to watch the movie. Nobody passes Signal a note. It's from Erik, but given to her by that random guy from earlier.

Erik wants Signal to meet up with him at a campsite and she convinces her mom to convince the Desais and Signal's lawyer to let them go on a mother-daughter camping trip that is really a let's-meet-up-with-Erik trip. Before letting her daughter leave to find Erik, Signal's mom gives her some supplies: a stun gun and some condoms. Geez! Embarrassing! Signal follows Erik’s clues and finally finds him, but he immediately pushes her into the water. She's confused and freezing, but he knows that Aarush likes to hide hidden cameras everywhere and he absolutely cannot be found. He explains and takes Signal to a cute little cabin to warm up.

At the cabin, Erik tells Signal that he's working with one of the people they met at Aarush’s party back in book two, Nadya, the super gorgeous Russian pop star who definitely had the hots for Erik back then, and this is her cabin. She wants him in her newest music video which seems like a horrible idea, but it's also kinda sweet because it's basically Erik and Signal's love story, but you have to replace Signal with a super gorgeous Russian pop star. They have dinner and discuss how they're going to communicate, through email drafts, and what they're going to do next, which is track down Kurt. They were held captive together and sent out on missions for camp just like before, except now they're hopped up on super soldier serum. Erik is still struggling with that and controlling his impulses, but when he finds out Signal has a stun gun, the tables turn.

Signal thinks Erik is going to be mad about the stun gun and flip out, super soldier style, but instead he is relieved. They can make out and if Erik snaps and goes too far, Signal can stun him. That's working sexily well until Nadya comes bursting in, telling them that there are police everywhere looking for Erik. He breaks a window and takes off while Nadya and Signal drive away in the opposite direction. After Nadya tells Signal she should leave Erik if she ever wants him to be happy, Signal gets pissed and jumps out of the car.

Signal makes her way back to her mom and finds out that her parole officer called and when she told them they lost cell contact, they came out looking, probably hoping Signal would lead them to Erik. Jerks! Back at the house, Signal chats with Dennis about Skye's hacked cell phone and the 50000+ emails that might have to do with camp or the pharmaceutical company CurtPro. Signal lets Dennis know that she and Erik are in communication using email drafts and he wants to jump in, too. Erik will know lots of things about his brother. Dennis also needs help hacking Aarush's camera systems and gives Signal a raspberry pi to covertly hook up while she's in a meeting with him. How is she going to do that though?

With vomit! Before the meeting gets started, Honor tells Signal that Skye isn't Erik's conservator, but that the current director of Camp Naramauke is, which isn't great. The meeting gets started then and Signal meets her new PR person, Cassie, and a journalist, Greg, and they all sit down with Honor and Aarush and Sonny and make plans of how to get access to the Wiley-Stanton algorithm. Signal wants to share that Class As aren't as terrifying as everyone says and that her friends saved her life, but no one wants to go with that angle until Nobody beautifully swims through the pool right behind the meeting room. She swims up to the window and vomits, making a chain reaction of vomiting in the meeting room. Signal uses running to a trash can to vomit as a distraction to plug up the raspberry pi.

In drafts later, Erik and Dennis figure out a way to sneak Erik into the Desai mansion and it involves a pretty intense switcheroo with Scraps, the guy that helped them a lot in book two and is still helping Erik now with places to stay and jobs that pay under the table, pool cleaners, a personal gym coach, a fake rattail hairdo and looping camera videos, but it works. Before Signal can see Erik, Aarush tells her that they are going to open Jaw’s lockbox the next day (see books one and two for more on this) and that a high profile TV personality is going to have her on an interview about it. 

Later, the Teen Killers Club meets in the theater to discuss what they're going to do. There's a lot of discussion about Kurt and his dead twin Troy and how Kurt might've been the killer all along in their murderous duo. He's killing seemingly random people now, on orders that he accesses through a phone recording instead of speaking to someone directly. The people aren't random though, they are related to the murders he and his brother were charged with. Javier bursts in the room, being shitty to Signal about Erik and wondering why Erik won't turn himself in, which would be helpful to all of them. They also discuss Erik sneaking into Skye's house to steal back the flashdrive and/or murder him. Signal doesn't want him to do that because then he would be the killer that Skye thinks he is. 

The conversation moves into Erik's conservatorship, which belongs to Camp, not to Skye, unless Camp is shut down. If Skye is out of the picture though, it would go to next of kin, but Erik says Skye is the only one who doesn't believe Erik killed his parents. Oh yeah, that's because Skye killed them, but Erik didn't know that until just now because Signal only realized it at the end of book two. (Seriously, please go back and listen to our other TK episodes for all these details.) Javier causes another scene involving forcing a kiss on Signal which gets security called to her room making Erik have to leave earlier than planned.

The next day, Signal, Aarush and the rest of her team go to LA for her interview, but that goes horribly because just as they're about to go on, Honor receives a phone call alerting them that Jaw’s lockbox is empty. Then they turn on the TV to find Janeane doing a passionate interview about her innocence and Signal's guilt. None of this is good and Signal decides she's going back to prison. Greg offers again to chat with her but she leaves instead, on her way to find Erik who is also in LA. 

They meet up at a hotel construction site in the middle of downtown and Signal gives Erik some condoms, wanting to get out of her head for a while and then telling him she's going back to prison. Just as they start to make out, giant LED screens across from the site show a clip from Nadya’s latest music video that will be released soon. The clip is Nadya, as Signal, and Erik, in a ski mask, kissing passionately. Some of the video isn't Erik, but a double, but the most devastating scenes are definitely Erik. This causes a huge fight because Signal thinks that Erik has something going on with Nadya. He tells her that she did offer to marry him so he can have Russian citizenship, which makes things worse. He tells Signal he wants to run away with her and they should do it now, but she won't do that as long as their friends could still go to prison. This looks like the end of Signal and Erik. 

Signal runs away from the construction site and back to the hotel where Aarush and Honor are furious at her for leaving, calling her a flight risk. Sonny is there and, after sending Aarush and Honor away, tells Signal that Janeane contacted him and to say that she wants to speak to Signal alone. She agrees. When they meet, Janeane tells Signal that she will testify in court about Camp, about checking conditions and calling in to see who they would have to murder next, but Signal has to “remember” that it was Janeane’s husband (who she conveniently murdered and dissolved in book two and then blamed the Teen Killers Club for) that actually killed Rose. Janeane will be a murderer walking free, but so will all her friends. 

Signal asks Honor about “remembering” something from the night Rose was murdered and what it would do for her case and Honor thinks it would look like a wild grasp. Aarush yells at her about pulling that psychopathic crap and then Skye is there and stops him. Skye then makes comments about going skiing over summers and relating that to Signal being poor and growing up in a trailer park. She goes back to her room, thinking about what Janeane said and what Skye said and pieces some other things together and realizes that the number Kurt called to get his kill list is an old number used to check ski conditions that the old school Teen Killers like Janeane would have used. She figures out which one and calls it. 

After listening to several recorded conditions, Signal gets to a part where she can speak to someone, and thinking it's Dave at Camp, pleads to him about speaking out against Janeane. The next day in a meeting with her legal team, Dave calls. Signal gives her phone to Honor and she is ecstatic to hear that Dave will speak out about Janeane, which will clear everyone's names except for Janeane's. It's a great plan. 

At the courthouse, though, things go to shit. Dave calls and it sounds like he's in the courtroom somewhere, and says he won't be able to testify after all. Janeane slips a message to Signal that suggests she should say it was Jaw who killed Rose instead of her husband, and when Signal is called to the stand, she starts describing the night Rose was killed and is questioned if it was Jaw who did it. He comes in then with the evidence from his lockbox that proves Janeane is the murderer and Erik is right behind him. He proposes to Signal and gets the marriage certificate signed by an official in the courtroom. If this goes through, Signal will be Erik's conservator, not Skye. Dave then stands up in the crowd and offers to testify as the Director of Camp Naramauke.

The hearing is postponed and the charges against Signal are dropped. The judge tells Signal he won't sign the marriage certificate unless his current conservator, the director of camp, Dave, signs it first. Signal meets with Dave later at Honor's suggestion because she believes he will speak to her more willingly. Signal asks to print out what she's going to say and heads in with several piles of paperwork. Dave says that he thinks Kurt is still working with someone at CurtPro to become the supersoldier that Erik was meant to be. Signal gets Dave to sign all her paperwork claiming that it's a non-disclosure agreement that her lawyers want him to sign, but it's actually the marriage certificate. 

Signal rushes out to find Erik who has just been released into Skye's custody and provides the paperwork to anyone who will look at it showing that they are married. Surrounding the courthouse are tons of Signal fans wearing their Fear No Deere shirts. She calls to them for help when Skye tries to take Erik away. The crowd distracts everyone long enough for Signal and Erik to escape. They run off to a hotel where Erik basically tells her that he's probably still going to leave with Nadya so he can be free. They fight but they still have to get their paperwork filed with the court, so they make a plan. Erik's phone, the Skye dupe phone, chimes and there are messages between Skye and his “eyes on the inside” about where Signal and Erik could be. They run through the list of people living in the house that could be the “eyes on the inside” and don't really come to any solid conclusions as to who it could be. 

Signal and Erik begin to make a plan to get their marriage paperwork signed and filed. Signal says she wants to talk to Alice (again, please see previous works) about Skye and maybe coming forward against him. Erik doesn't know if he'll be able to do that but he'll try. She can be a witness to their marriage, and Erik suggests that Signal's mom also could be. But who can they get to marry them? Scraps. Trusty ol’ Scraps. They then decide to talk to Greg the journalist about another way to clear Erik's conservatorship. They go to meet Alice and Greg is there too. Alice, at first, thinks this is an ambush and talks privately to Erik about trusting Signal and getting their marriage annulled. There are a lot of conversations about the Wiley-Stanton and how it's being used incorrectly and Erik’s childhood and Skye being a monster and Erik marrying Nadya and Erik testifying on behalf of them all about Camp. Everything ends with Alice driving Signal to meet up with Erik and Scraps to get married.

The ceremony is lovely and is at the opera house. Nobody's girlfriend/ex girlfriend because Nobody thinks she's going back to death row, Amy, the beautiful ballerina, has a dress for Signal. Nobody and Jada and Dennis are there as well as Signal's mom. Before the ceremony can start, Signal gets a call from Greg, hoping for good news about his Wiley-Stanton story, but gets the exact opposite. His editor was fired and no one else will publish his work. Great. Signal and Erik get married and Scraps is going to immediately take the paperwork to be filed, but Erik makes Signal promise she won't go anywhere alone when they get back to the Desai mansion until after he can testify. Signal and Nobody and Jada plan to find something to watch while they wait for all the courtroom stuff but they find an interview with Janeane and the high-profile woman who was supposed to interview Signal instead. Signal gets sick and leaves to go to the bathroom. Alone.

Unfortunately, Kurt follows her in. He says that he is still receiving targets to kill and that the last girl was his twin brother's girlfriend who swore that Troy was not a Class A. Whoever is behind this desperately wants to keep the algorithm safe and protected and keep people afraid of Class As. Kurt says that he'll be classified as something other than a Class A after everything is over and then Signal bashes in his knee. He slices her arm and she runs, screaming that Kurt is there, and then Javier appears and helps her. He tells her she should tear up the marriage certificate and show Kurt and he would leave her alone, but then Erik arrives. 

Erik takes Signal away from Javier and they go searching in everyone's rooms to find out who Eyes on the Inside is. They search their friends’ rooms and talk about how Janeane made that offer with Signal to tell the truth about Camp and how that doesn't make any sense. They find girly magazines in Nobody's room, a fancy knife box in Dennis’s and perfume that Skye gave to her in Jada's. Erik recognizes it and knows that Skye gave some to Alice before, then Signal mentions that it smells like Honor, too. Erik suddenly knows who Eyes is and that they want him to finish the supersoldier injections that they were giving him before because he is the only one they will work on, unfortunately for Kurt. He knows this is what he has to do to stop everything and then makes Signal leave the mansion where she is taken away by security to her mom's place nearby. 

Signal wants to help Erik, but her mom tells her that he told her that if Signal got hurt again because of him, he would leave. Signal doesn't believe that Erik would disappear and wants to leave to help him. Unfortunately Signal gets a call from Scraps that someone in a fancy car crashed into him and stole the marriage certificate. Hmm… who could that have been? Signal’s mom makes her promise to be back in time for their live-streamed highschool graduation ceremony that will be taking place that evening and she agrees.

At grad night, Aarush meets Signal and tells her that because of Erik's deposition, the Wiley-Stanton algorithm will no longer be used and will not impact her friends’ cases and that Honor thinks they can plead to lesser sentences after all the trauma they've been through because of the algorithm. What great news! Signal can't help but be suspicious of everyone and everything happening around her, but then she decides to tell them the truth, obviously without the fact that they suspect one of them of being Eyes. They make a plan to go to Skye's house, where she believes Erik to be, and stop him from completing the super soldier testing and/or rescue him if it's gone too far. Dennis gives Jada a gift before they leave, the fancy knife that was in his room, and everyone swoons because they've kinda been flirting a lot in the background.

Jada plans to convince Skye to invite her over, which he does disgustingly easily, and keep him distracted while Signal looks for Erik. Nobody will be the getaway driver, Javier will also help, but reluctantly, and Dennis has to stay behind because he was supposed to work with Aarush. Skye gives Jada more perfume as they sit on a fur rug in front of a roaring fireplace and Signal sneaks around until she finds Erik with all sorts of tubes and wires attached to him. She sends pictures of medications and information to Dennis who tells her Erik is in a medical coma. They try to research if they can unhook him from everything and yes, they can, but Erik will likely be unable to move on his own for a long time. Signal undoes everything except his oxygen and goes back downstairs.

Signal sees Skye trying to get out of the back door for more firewood but he finds the doors are chained shut. He knows they're all up to something and heads to Jada who is drugged from the perfume he gave her. Signal tries to attack him but he tases her and she goes down. Then Kurt appears behind Skye and slashes his throat. He has continued following orders from camp and CurtPro since they are one in the same now and his latest order was to kill Skye because he has control of the algorithm and they want to use it on everyone and then control everyone with the drugs they are making. Kurt wanted the cure, but there isn't one, and there definitely won't be one now that Skye is dead. 

Nobody arrives to help but Kurt tries to set her and the house on fire. Signal manages to get up and get Jada's knife and comes at Kurt, but he knows she won't be able to kill him because she's not a Class A. Well, maybe she can't kill him, but she does stab him directly in the eyeball and pull it out. She tries to break the window but it is shatterproof. On the other side though, she sees Aarush and tells him to go open the doors so they can get out.

Kurt comes at Signal then but Skye, still alive somehow, slashes his ankle with a straight razor. They start fighting but then Skye tells Signal to get Erik out because his oxygen tank will explode. She, Jada and Nobody go upstairs and get Erik and his tank. Aarush was unable to get the doors unchained and so they use the oxygen tank to explode them. They all get outside and then see Skye and Kurt in a flaming waltz tumble out of the house and into the ocean. They also see Javier's body in the water, but they manage to pull him out and resuscitate him. Soon Sonny arrives and pulls Signal aside. 

Sonny tells Signal that he's upset he wasn't invited to the wedding and that he will pay for a proper marriage and reception if Signal will sign Erik over to him and CurtPro. Turns out, he owns a third of the company and Erik and Signal, once actually married, will own another bit. Signal just needs to give Erik up and let them continue testing on him to find the cure for being a Class A, or at least what passes as a cure for everyone who doesn't actually know that all Class As aren't terrible but instead fear them. If she'll just let them turn off parts of his brain until he's programmed the way she wants him to be, they'll get to live happily ever after. Nah dog.

Aarush has been listening in and knows his father is the villain, so he tosses Signal his car keys and she, and a passed out Erik in the passenger seat, drive off. Signal calls the only person she can think of who can get Erik to safety even though she desperately doesn't want to. Nadya answers and tells her to come to her house where she has a helicopter waiting on the roof. They make it there and rush inside, helped by the Erik body double from the music video. Signal kisses Erik goodbye, but hopefully only for a little while, and then the helicopter flies away. Unfortunately, Sonny has sent drones after the helicopter and it violently crashes and explodes. Well shit.

Signal wakes up in the hospital and finds all her friends around her, crying. Aarush comes in and apologizes for everything his father did, but congratulates Signal on her case being dropped after he shared Janeane's confession video that was on the flashdrive his father stole. She has earned $12 million dollars in a settlement and decides to use it to create a new camp where Naramauke was but one that will actually help Class As and not turn them into killing machines. Her friends’ sentences were also lessened quite a bit and they will get to work at the new camp as part of their community service. They drive out there to start planning things, and then Signal reveals a surprise. 

Erik didn't get on the helicopter that violently crashed and exploded, thank goodness, and he's alive, here, right now. They bought a cabin kit from the internet and will live on the outskirts of camp in secret. Erik knows he can take down the Wiley-Stanton, which is still a thing unfortunately, and he and Signal and all their friends can live happily ever after.

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