Happy Halloween, everyone!
This is my favorite time of the year! I love all things scary and I love dressing up and my birthday is soon and the leaves are pretty and the weather is brisk and a million other things!

To celebrate the spookiness of today, we're posting a special, extended-length episode all about two terrifyingly wonderful books by Dawn Kurtagich, The Dead House and And the Trees Crept In. If you're looking for a creepy read, definitely pick up these books, or check out the audio, likely available to download to your devices from your local library for free! You won't be disappointed!

I was lucky enough to meet Dawn Kurtagich a couple of years ago at an American Library Association conference and she signed my books and took a silly picture with me. She's pretty great. You know why else she's great? Because she joined us as a special guest on our podcast and played Would You Rather with us! You should check her out on social media and tell her that she's awesome (@dawnkurtagich), but definitely tell her that we sent you.
Spookily yours,