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Go Hunt Me

Writer's picture: Fictional HangoverFictional Hangover

Go Hunt Me by Kelly deVos

Alex Rush is in St. Constantin hospital, the only survivor of a tragic event with her friends. They’d heard stories about Castle Prahova, of course, it was the home of Vlad Dracul, the man who inspired a myth. It was Dracula and his legend that drew Alex and her friends to Romania in the first place. Now, as Alex waits for her mother to arrive on the red-eye, she reads about the manhunt for director Justin Bloom back in LA. Suddenly there's a knock on the hospital room door and in walks Police Inspector Ana Skutnik. She has Alex’s statement but needs to hear the story of what happened from the beginning.

153 days ago


It’s dark and Alex is driving up Mummy Mountain, one of the richest neighborhoods in Arizona. She’s going to her friend Kenna McKee’s house to set up for the Halloween party the following night. Though she’s got school work, college applications and projects and a sick parent all taking up her time, this is the last Halloween before college and it’s important to spend it with her friends.

The house is pitch black when Alex pulls up. She grabs the antique punch bowl she is loaning to Mrs. McKee for the event and heads to Kenna’s section of the estate. None of her friends are there yet but Alex can see Kenna through the huge windows. She can also see a tall figure with a mask and a sword standing next to the bushes watching Kenna. In fear, Alex drops the punch bowl and tries to call 9-1-1 but her hands are slippery with sweat. The figure has spotted Alex and is heading in her direction. Alex runs, falls and cuts her neck on some cardboard boxes.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 81: Short film pitch for Dead Boys Don’t Bite

The film is set at a castle from the story of Dracula, covered in a perpetual mist. The story is about a beautiful girl named Lucy and two boys who claim to love her. When she can’t choose between them, Lucy starts to see a masked figure and is attacked in the courtyard.

152 days ago


Shouts of Cut! Cut! Cut! break the silence and Alex’s fear. Standing over Alex is her boyfriend, Jax, who is a gorgeous all-American type with a dash of emo. Behind Jax is their friend Reagan, taking off the mask. Suddenly there is a buzz of activity as lights come on and Alex's other friends can be seen as well as cameras hidden in the bushes and a whiteboard covered in notes for the production of Alex's script Dead Boys Don’t Bite. They were filming her script which she was also meant to be directing. Damn, she’s pissed.

Jax explains that Alex has been so busy lately that they took the initiative and started production. The short film is also helping their college applications and futures so they have a vested interest. Kenna wants to be an A-lister movie star, Reagan in visual effects, Maddie make-up and design, Carter sound tech, Hazel cinematography, and Jax a producer. Alex tries to be calm but the overlapping conversations of picking the weapon the “Dracula” villain should be carrying, the design of the mask and Kenna’s “Lucy Westenra” motivation should have been discussed already with her in a production meeting.

Dead Boys Don’t Bite is the Dracula story from Lucy Westenra’s point of view where Lucy is actually given agency, and is an allegory for male domination and society's true monsters. Once Alex provides suitable motivation for Kenna and the others quit babbling about the weapon, filming re-starts with Alex in control. Close to midnight, as Kenna is delivering Lucy’s monologue, there are loud clanking sounds coming from the empty house next door where moving trucks are causing the racket. But who is moving in and at nearly midnight? That would be Catrinel Bloom, an actress who always knows how to find her light and make an entrance.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik asks Alex what she knows about Catrinel Bloom. Other than that she was originally from near Castle Prahova, she only knows what she read on Twitter about her nasty divorce.

46 days ago


Alex is in the basement of her family home sorting out a box of silver items. This used to be their game room until her dad got cancer and they turned it into the premises of Silver Rush, the family silver-selling business, but as the medical bills grew, items with value were sold and loans from family members were agreed upon to keep the Rush family afloat. For Alex and her younger sister Meredith, their futures don’t look as bright as there is no money for them to go to USC film school or Juilliard. No time to dwell on all that, though. Alex needs to get ready for her date with Jax and he hates to be late.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 7: Personal statement by Jackson Flannigan

Jax talks about Quentin Tarantino being his inspiration for being a movie producer. He wants his passion to shine through each frame just like Tarantino.

46 days ago


Jax takes Alex to a very expensive restaurant, the kind with valet parking, powder rooms and menus without the price tag. After they sit, Jax asks if they want to do it together tonight, and Alex automatically thinks sex (at last!), but how would they explain to their very, very Catholic and abstinence-minded families they’d spent the night at a hotel?! Wait no, Jax means they should look at their USC college application notification emails together. (Boo!) Jax is successful, congratulations! while Alex is put on their waiting list. They submitted the same film though, didn’t they? This doesn’t make sense. Alex goes to the powder room to cry and runs into Catrinel Bloom. The actress sympathizes with Alex and tells her that her husband got into the school through bribing and nepotism. Alex, on the other hand, is a visionary with talent, so she encourages her to keep going.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik asks if this is the point the fundraising is organized. Yes, it was. It was a terrible mistake.

44 days ago


After their History of Cinema class, Reagan tells Alex he has a plan. The group gathers and Reagan explains they’ve set up a GoFundMe and want to finance a reshoot of Alex’s film over Spring Break and submit it to Scream Fest, a local film festival. If it wins, USC will have to take notice. While Reagan also got into USC, a hard pill to swallow though he is a talented visual effects wiz, he thinks Alex being waitlisted is an injustice and sexist. Hazel didn’t get in either and needs this opportunity as much as Alex. The others are happy to help, though Jax is notably silent, perhaps feeling guilty that his re-edit of Alex’s movie got him into college? Or something else?

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 14 - Bloom, C, statement on Rush/McKee GoFundMe

Catrinel Bloom posts a vicious indictment of the misogynistic practices of the film industry from her personal experiences and endorses Alex Rush across her social media. This statement and plea to help talented women helps to boost the GoFundMe donations.

32 days ago


Initially the GoFundMe was slow, but after Catrinel Bloom helped boost the project, donations flooded and now they’ve got a production budget of $36,000. Alex and Maddie are discussing scenery in her room when Alex’s sister Meredith practicing for Swan Lake auditions in the backyard catches Maddie’s eye. Maddie goes all cryptic at this point talking about swans and dodos and Alex struggles to understand what she is getting at. As Maddie seems to be confessing something about her family’s trip to Wisconsin over Christmas, there is a knock at the door. It’s Catrinel Bloom with an offer they can’t refuse. Catrinel’s cousin in Romania owns Castle Prahova. He is willing to let them film Dead Boys Don’t Bite for free before it is refurbished into a tourist trap. Catrinel will accompany them because she needs to lie low as her divorce is finalized. The GoFundMe donations can pay for the trip and any equipment they need to acquire. Alex’s parents break out of their stunned oh-my-goodness-an-actual-Hollywood-starlet-is-in-our-living room to raise ‘what fundraiser’ eyebrows at Alex. Catrinel leaves and Alex and Maddie immediately send out group messages and look at Google images of the castle. Then Reagan messages to tell them to look at the GoFundMe page. There has been a huge donation made.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik questions about Maddie acting oddly and Alex confirms this and admits she only found out what was going on when they reached the castle. Alex also confirms that their GoFundMe received a single half-million dollar donation, and again didn’t find out the truth behind it until much later, and by then, it had already been stolen.

Five days ago


It’s ridiculous o’clock in the morning and Alex is last to be picked up in their minibus for the airport, and as she is walking down her drive, Jax and Reagan are having an intense and mysterious conversation. The group heads to the airport to catch their flight to Romania, though Catrinel isn’t with them, of course, she makes her own way there and flies first class. Kenna also has a seat upgrade thanks to her daddy’s air miles. When they land in Romania, they are to catch a hired limo bus to the castle. Outside the airport they see Catrinel standing next to a greasy-haired man. While she gets into a limo, he stands on the curb waiting for them. This is Catrinel’s cousin, Raul Stoica. Before climbing into their car, Kenna stops everyone, Jax tries to interrupt to say something about the computer equipment Catrinel loaned them but Kenna won’t have it and informs them that all the GoFundMe money is gone.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik asks Alex what she thought of Raul Stoica. Well, it was Catrinel’s cousin and they wanted to trust him but there was something off about him.

Four days ago


With no other option, they pile into the minibus. While Kenna is raging about the stolen money, Jax and Reagan finally reveal what they’ve been mysteriously talking about. On one of the computers Catrinel has loaned them, Reagan found an email showing that Catrinel will be checking into a rehab for painkiller addiction in Switzerland and won’t be with them at all. Oh no. They promised their parents she would be with them, they’ll have them on the first flight home if they find out. Alex is pissed Jax and Reagan didn’t tell them sooner, while Jax is quiet about it, Reagan is insistent that they need to get the movie made and Alex into USC. In the meantime, Reagan has been trying to see who withdrew the GoFundMe money but can only see the username TheCount1987. Probably not one of their parents. It takes several hours to reach the foothills of Castle Prahova, and the minibus can’t go all the way up so they will need to walk through the forest that is definitely not haunted. Nope. Not one bit.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik asks Alex if she knew anything about Castle Prahova before getting there. She only knew what Google showed them and that it was connected to Vlad the Impaler.

Four days ago


Hauling their stuff was difficult as the forest surrounding the castle is creepy, thick, and dark and the climb seems nearly vertical. All the way, it seems that Kenna was whispering with Raul. Up close Castle Prahova looks as Raul puts it, “under renovation,” not what Google promised. The beheaded statue of Vlad in the courtyard seems somewhat portentous. Inside the wing Raul has assigned them, it is rich, luxurious and has electricity - no TV or WiFi though. Maddie is transfixed by the paintings. They can’t be the real things that were thought to be lost or stolen, could they? While Raul goes to fetch the cook and housekeeper, the group settles in. They aren’t happy with being left alone in a strange country, in a strange castle, at night.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 15 - Image of article from the Journal of Romanian Literary Studies

The article talks about Vlad Tepes, otherwise known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracul, the inspiration behind Bram Stoker's legendary fictional creation. The article also mentions Stoker secretly traveling to Castle Prahova in 1890. Officer Skutnik notes that the article was planted by Raul Stoica and is a fake, Stoker did not visit Prahova.

Four days ago


The group explores the living room, finding three rusty ceremonial swords and a fourth with a wicked sharp blade. Hazel is examining the map Raul provided for them, Carter finds an old record player and the rest discuss their situation. In the end there is little they can do, so they go to pick bedrooms before they’ll get some shots in before Raul comes back. Dithering in the hallway, Alex is unsure if she will be sharing a room with Jax or have her own, but Jax invites her into a room so that’s decided. After they unpack and start to relax, Alex wonders if this is the moment, but then they hear screams echo from the music room.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 22 - Dead Boys Don’t Bite theatrical script

Lucy Westenra is talking with the Masked Man. She tells him how she doesn’t want to fit the mold her parents envisioned for her, to be a kept woman at a man’s mercy. The Masked Man suggests that Lucy wants something dangerous.

Four days ago


The screams are because of a bat, a tiny little bat that freaked Kenna out. Kenna and Maddie are in the music room getting ready for a shot when Kenna freaks. Her screams bring everyone to them, all except Reagan who is trying to find a cell signal. On one side of the music room is a Celesta which Carter wants to sample so that it can be included on the movie’s audio track. Alex notes that decisions are being made again and she’s not being consulted. As Alex is looking through cupboards, she finds a newspaper clipping with the name Bram Stoker peppered throughout and the phrase, Strigoi mort or Ghost of Death, so she pockets it. Just as they are about to get started filming, Reagan returns and announces their GoFundMe was hacked but he’s sent off an email to the GoFundMe site. After they finish filming, Raul returns and they start to file out to get food. Alex notes the Vlad statue that was outside the music room no longer has its sword and Maddie warns Alex that Kenna is a swan.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik asks Alex what Maddie meant by her swan comment, but Alex doesn’t know. The officer also asks if Alex knew that Reagan lied about contacting GoFundMe.

Three days ago


With food in their bellies and adults in residence, everything feels normal and the next day, the shoots go smoothly. When Kenna is needed, she can’t be found, however Hazel finds her having an intense conversation with Raul. The cook and housekeeper have demanded that they leave and Raul can’t keep them so will take them home before the storm hits. It doesn’t look like Raul will be coming back though. Meanwhile Maddie has been scoping out the paintings and points out some where stolen by the Nazis and found a bunch of cables that seem to lead nowhere. Hazel thinks the dilapidated appearance of the castle is a cover for gangster activity, especially since she found pictures of Yuri Stoica, a notorious Romanian gangster. As they are talking, Maddie confesses to Alex that over Christmas break in Wisconsin, her father embezzled a lot of his parents' money and the family wants to call the police to investigate him. She needs the GoFundMe money to pay it back and stop her father from going to prison. However, Maddie thinks Kenna took the money because she has been acting strange about it. Suddenly Alex sees a masked figure on the terrace.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Alex confesses that they assumed Yuri was Raul’s father and that she did not know why the staff demanded to leave. She just prayed they would make it through the night.

Three days ago


Regrouping, Alex mentions the masked figure but Maddie didn't see them and they don’t mention it to anyone else. The rest of the day is spent arguing, roaming the halls and debating what to do next, and eventually everyone goes to bed. Waking up during the night, Alex hears Carter playing the Celesta and sneaks down to video him, however it isn’t Carter, it’s a masked figure. Screaming and backing up, Alex runs into the others. No one else saw the figure but its presence panics the others and then Maddie runs off blindly down the stairs to the kitchen. Alex follows calling her name. In the kitchen, the door to the outside is open and Alex reaches for the handle to steady herself against the strong winds brought by the oncoming storm. As the lights blink out, Alex sees Maddie’s blood on her hand.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Alex confirms she was sure it was Maddie’s blood and that all she could think about was finding her friend. The Inspector asks if she knew what Kenna had been doing up to this point and Alex confirms she did not, they wouldn’t find out until much later.

Two days ago


Alex screams for Maddie as the kitchen floods from the storm. Eventually Jax comes down to collect her. When they tell everyone what has happened, Carter is desperate to find his girlfriend and gets pissed when they prioritize finding light sources and building a fire. After much arguing, it’s decided that Kenna and Reagan will stay behind, Carter and Hazel will look inside their wing of the castle, and Jax and Alex will look outside for Maddie. The storm is raging outside, they can’t see two feet in front of them, the ground is slick with mud and their plastic ponchos offer no protection. During their search, Jax falls down the stone steps when they see a phantom run across their path. Alex heads down to him and finds Jax seemingly fine. Then she finds Maddie’s dead body.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik asks if Alex has any idea who killed Maddie. Reagan’s theory was that Raul did it. Alex confirms that when they returned, they found out more disturbing things.

Two days ago


Eventually Alex and Jax make it back inside but they’re over half an hour later than when they agreed to meet up. No one is in the living area when they get back but the fire is burning well, though amongst the embers, Jax finds a boarding pass from Phoenix dated three days ago but the name is indistinguishable. Alex also notices the wicked looking sword is gone. Eventually Reagan returns from having gone to the bathroom, but Kenna isn't with him, she went to get a sweater. They tell Reagan about Maddie before deciding to try and find the others. The boys grab candles, Jax gets one of the rusty swords and Alex has the flashlight. Heading downstairs, they find the smoking room with a recently smoked cigar and a half-drunk glass of whiskey. Then they go to the bathhouse, but Alex slips and lands in the pool. Swimming to the steps, her foot lands on something strange in the water. It’s Carter’s head.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 22 - Dead Boys Don’t Bite theatrical script.

Lucy Westenra monologues about monsters, noting they are everywhere, including in her.

Two days ago


Reagan vomits and Alex has a quiet freak out. Jax finds Carter’s body propped up near a door that leads outside. They decide to lock the door, take the key and head back. Walking through the smoking room, Alex sees that the cigar and drink are gone. In the hallway, they hear a banging and find Hazel locked in a bedroom, ashtrays wedged under the door frame to stop it from opening. Hazel said Carter locked her in because he was obsessed with going outside to find Maddie, then they break the news to Hazel about the two murders. Hazel has something to show them.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 61 - INTERPOL background on Yuri Stoica

Yuri Stoica committed all his crimes indiscriminately. He was on INTERPOL’s Most Wanted List. The old officers called him the spirit of misfortune. He was a very bad man.

Two days ago


Hazel shows them a room with electricity where Alex and Maddie saw cables that seemed to lead nowhere. Their theory is that someone turned the power off deliberately in their wing to kill them, and Carter thinks it was Kenna who has been acting suspiciously. Jax shows everyone the boarding pass and Reagan is hurt that Alex didn’t tell him already. They decide to get changed into warm, dry and less blood-soaked clothes before heading back to the living room and onward to find Kenna. When they get to the living room, Kenna is there all snuggled on the sofa reading a book. She claims she went to find Alex and Jax outside when they didn’t return on time, which she told Reagan but he denies. Since everyone alive has been found and the storm is still raging, they decide to bed down in the living room.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 42 - TED Talk by Justin Bloom

Justin Bloom’s TED Talk is on horror and filmmaking in which he says castles are traditionally creepy as they are often inescapable environments. They may be the home of a monster or a prince, or they may be the one and the same.

Two days ago


The storm is over. Once everyone is awake, they make plans for rescue or escape. Alex and Jax will make their way to the main road and hopefully get a cell signal. Reagan, Hazel and Kenna will stay behind and hopefully locate a phone in the castle. As Alex and Jax gather supplies for their trek, Reagan hands Alex a hammer for protection.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik confirms that Alex and Jax headed to the south of the castle, but who did they intend to call? Alex doesn’t know, the police, their parents? Alex then becomes inaudible on the recording.

Two days ago


The forest is creepy. After twenty minutes, Alex and Jax stop for a break and Jax confesses that he doesn’t want to go back home, he wants to stay in Europe and “find himself” using their share of the GoFundMe money. Jax, who has everything, wants to give it all up with money that was stolen. Alex doesn’t think this is an appropriate time or place to be having this conversation. Suddenly the figure of Count Dracula emerges from the trees before dashing off, Jax in pursuit. Alex follows but she is slower and eventually hears Jax screaming from inside the hedge maze Vlad had made to honor his wife. Inside, Alex finds Jax hanging from a fountain modeled to look like the castle with Dracula towering over him, the hammer Reagan gave her in its hands, taken from her bag that Jax offered to carry. Dracula brings down the hammer and beats Jax into a pulp. Alex is hidden and stays quiet as her boyfriend is brutally murdered. When Dracula is gone, Alex looks at what is left of Jax. She doesn’t know why she picked up the discarded hammer and then drops it into the algae-filled water.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 98 - Kenna McKee social media post

Kenna is dressed in black holding a Ouija board and monologuing about horror movies and supposes that maybe monsters are real.

Two days ago


Not really knowing what she should do, Alex makes her way back to the castle. As she's walking through the courtyard, high-pitched screaming comes from the grand hall. It’s dark inside and used as a storage space with boxes everywhere. Hearing footsteps, Alex whisper-calls for Reagan and they find each other, and then he follows Dracula into the hall. Kenna threw a fit and went back to the castle, and Hazel found something Alex needed to see. Suddenly they hear a noise and turn to see Dracula climbing a stack of boxes toward a window. Reagan starts pulling at the boxes until the Dracula loses balance and falls, breaking the rotten wooden beam they had been holding on to which penetrates their chest as the Dracula lands on the ground. Edging to the unmoving Dracula, Alex can see them wearing one of Maddie’s masks. Reagan reaches out and pulls it off.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 34 - draft email from Kenna McKee to Justin Bloom

Kenna is complaining that Raul turned off the power, their cell phones don’t work and she doesn’t know what to do. Surely he [Justin] knew Catrinel’s uncle was Yuri Stoica and he owned the castle.

Two days ago


The Dracula was Kenna and she was dead. On the ground, they notice a handheld camera Kenna had been holding. She’s been taping everything! This explains her odd behavior. They go to meet up with Hazel who is in an office room with electricity. She’s been investigating and found out that there are security cameras all over the grounds and castle, everything is being recorded, and Kenna knew all about it, and in fact, she’s been in cahoots with Justin Bloom to make her own horror movie with Alex being her Lucy Westenra. They had also arranged for a crew that would use secret underground tunnels to help film and stage scenes, the cook and housekeeper were two of them. It seems that Kenna promised to pay them with the GoFundMe money, and when they found out it was gone, they left and the rest of the crew were held back because of the storm. Also, Kenna had a whole file on Yuri Stoica on her computer, with something Alex needs to see.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik asks Alex what she knows about Yuri Stoica and if she knew that he was killed three years ago. Alex didn’t know much, but she knew he was in Prahova with them.

Two days ago


Leaning closer to the computer screen, Hazel shows Alex and Reagan footage of Yuri Stoica in the Prahova tunnels using the trapdoors. Now they need to make a plan to survive and get help. They decide that they need to fix the satellite which will get them phones or the internet, but they’ll need to reboot the system in the security room which is unfortunately in the tunnels. Alex doesn’t like the plan, but goes along with it. Gathering meager weapons including a vodka bottle, a letter opener and a screwdriver set, they set off into the storm to find the satellite.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 22 - Dead Boys Don’t Bite theatrical script.

A Lucy Westenra monologue asks someone in the shadows out of shot if they are terrified of her because she is a woman acting in her own self interest.

Two days ago


The storm is raging and eventually the group finds the satellite. Alex helps boost Reagan onto the roof and he tries to fix it. Meanwhile, Hazel has gone quiet and thoughtful. She asks Alex what she thinks happened to the GoFundMe money, but Alex doesn’t answer. Hazel reaches into her backpack and snatches the vodka bottle out and backs away from Alex saying she needs to get to the road before running off. Alex chases after Hazel and sees her facing off with Raul in the courtyard. Hazel throws the bottle but it’s old and ineffective. Alex stumbles toward them and in the struggle, Hazel goes down the courtyard well and the Vlad statue lands on Raul. He tells Alex she is an evil girl as he dies. Desperate to help Hazel, Alex runs back to Reagan who is off the roof. He’s pissed because he had to jump down and at best has sprained his ankle. Reagan doesn’t seem concerned about rescuing Hazel from the well, he wants to reboot the system because Yuri Stoica is there.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Alex asks Inspector Skutnik if they found Hazel, and she confirms they did. Inspector Skutnik asks Alex if Reagan fixed the satellite, and she confirms he did, then they had to go into the tunnels.

Two days ago


Alex and Reagan enter the tunnels through the trapdoor in the office Hazel did her investigating in. Reagan wants to prevent Yuri from following them by this entrance so sets the room on fire. Stumbling in the dark, they find the security room and Reagan goes about rebooting the system. Meanwhile Alex investigates the space and finds Yuri’s merchandise, then she comes back to her best friend. Reagan has accessed the security footage and on it, Alex sees Reagan and Maddie on the terrace. He killed her? Alex needs to process that later because on the live feed of an outside camera, Yuri can be seen smoking a cigar before turning and coming inside. As the monitor shows SYSTEM READY, the lights go out.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik asks Alex if Kenna’s computer was destroyed in the fire, and she says she thinks so. The fire doesn’t explain all Alex’s injuries though.

Two days ago


Reagan stands up from the desk, walks over to Alex and wraps his hands around her neck and squeezes. Alex begs for her life while Reagan chokes her and tells her how much he loves her and how he did it all for her. Eventually Reagan snaps out of whatever has overcome him and lets Alex go, confessing that he took the money for Alex to help her get to USC. Then Yuri Stoica arrives and destroys everything before leaving the way he came. Heading into the now smoke-filled tunnel, Alex and Reagan eventually find the carport. As they head down toward a car, a hand reaches out and pulls Reagan back. A series of horrible cracks and thuds follow and then Reagan is lying at the base of the stairs, broken. Yuri Stoica’s face looms out of the darkness before Alex follows and falls, breaking her arm. Hurt, Alex drags Reagan into a car, he’s muttering about why Alex and about wanting to see the stars as he dies.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Interview with Alexandra Rush

Inspector Skutnik confirms with Alex that Reagan confessed to stealing the GoFundMe money and killing Maddie. Yes to the money, no to the murder. Skutnik also wants to know Alex’s theory why a notorious man like Yuri Stoica would allow Alex to live, but Alex doesn’t know, and suggests Skutnik will have to ask him.

88 days later


Alex sneaks into the auditorium to watch her sister Meredith dance. She’s beautiful in her new leotard and pointe shoes, and Alex remarks that she’ll kill someone if Meredith is not cast as the Sugar Plum Fairy. Waiting for Meredith outside, Inspector Skutnik approaches Alex because she has more questions to ask though she’s been officially taken off the case. Alex declines and says any questions should go through her lawyer. It seems the story of a famous film director luring unsuspecting teens to their deaths by a resurrected crime lord is more interesting than a teenager willing to kill her friends to get a movie deal and half a million dollars. Later, at the memorial for her friends, Alex is approached by Catrinel Bloom. Any further evidence of what happened at Castle Prahova has been destroyed and made into art and a fetching pair of earrings. Catrinel also makes sure Alex knows who she needs to bribe to get into USC.

General Directorate for Criminal Investigations

Exhibit 22 - Dead Boys Don’t Bite theatrical script.

Lucy Westenra monologues about unmasking monsters when it is better to silence them so they cause no further problems.

209 days later


Sometimes at night Alex thinks about Castle Prahova. She thinks about Reagan needing a week to convert the GoFundMe money into cryptocurrency so it couldn’t be traced. She thinks about shoving the desperate Maddie down the stairs, stealing the sword Jax had picked up and using it to cut off Carter’s head, pushing Kenna off the stack of boxes, and sending Hazel down the well. Poor Reagan would have never have told anyone what happened as he really did love her, but she couldn’t be shackled to him so down the stairs he went. Then there was Jax who would have been her Justin Bloom, who she bashed with a hammer. What’s done is done, and her story will become the truth.

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