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An Ember Not The Ember

Happy New Year! Wow! Another year gone. Did you do anything great in 2019? We did! And we're doing lots of new great things for 2020! Like this episode! The first one of the new year on the first day of the new year! I like how that worked out!

So in this episode, we discuss An Ember In the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir, narrated by Steve West and Fiona Hardingham. You know how much we love Steve West on Fictional Hangover, so you know we enjoyed the book. It may be our favorite of the year so far, hyuk hyuk, but we'll see how things change. This book has dual narrators, Laia and Elias. Laia is a Scholar that is forced to become a slave in order to spy for the Rebellion to save her brother who was thrown in jail. Elias is a Mask, a warrior of the empire, whose main job it is is to stop the Scholars from rebelling. I bet you can guess what will happen with the two of them, right? Enemies to lovers trope anyone? Hopefully! Read the book to find out. And, you know, listen to the episode.

We are starting some new things on Fictional Hangover this year, like actually using our Goodreads account for something. Book discussions! Look forward to that. Go ahead and start by joining our group. We're going to have a theme for each month and you can choose any book you want following that theme and then discuss what you picked! We'll join in!

We're also doing an Accent of the Week, or I am rather, because I got a new book for Christmas and I want to learn things and I'm forcing you to listen as I do. Sorry. Deal with it.

Here's a recording picture for this week. Who the hell even knows what was going on at this point in the show... Enjoy!

Don't forget to join us on Goodreads. Seriously.


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