This week, Claire and I talk about A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers by AND WITH Jackson Ford. That's right! We have a normal episode and a bonus episode and they're both full of shit!
We love, love, LOVE talking to authors, especially Jackson Ford. He's currently trying to out-episode Kendare Blake who has been on the show at least six times. We're up to four with Jackson with promises of more, so be on the lookout for those. This time, we talk about his fourth book in the Frost Files series, A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers. What happens in this one?
Teagan Frost, our favorite psychokinetic, has just saved a bunch of people in LA and now she's lost her powers. She's been using them an awful lot lately and had some epic car-throwing battles, and now she's spent. One one hand, this could be great. She could have an actual future where she gets to open her own restaurant. On the other hand, she has just been hired as a bodyguard to protect a senator and, well, she kind of needs her powers, especially when the summit she's working at turns into a hostage situation. On top of this, her brother and sister are still on the loose wreaking havoc and she's got to stop them, too. What is she going to do? What if she never gets her powers back? Read the book, check out our summary and listen to our episode to find out what happens in this installment!
Here's a recording picture in which we're probably talking about moving a shitload of random shit in a shit storm. Okay, probably not, but it's really fun trying to smush all four titles into one sentence.

Catch you later!