In this episode, we discuss Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor, and guess what! I'm blue again! I really like being blue... What are some other costumes I could make in which I'd need to be blue? Answer that question and I'll send you a Fictional Hangover button! Seriously, a real life gift in the real life mail just for answering a simple question!
So, in Muse of Nightmares, our crew from Strange the Dreamer encounters a new enemy, Nova (that's who I am dressed as), and still has to battle their enemy from within, Minya, as well. Nova has a strange power, possibly the most terrifying one of all. She can steal other people's powers! Yikes! How will Lazlo and Sarai deal with this new enemy while still keeping Minya calm and protecting the citizens of Weep down below the citadel? WHAT IF THEY CAN'T?!
Here's a picture of us recording. I'm glad I don't mind when I'm making a ridiculous face in these pictures because Amber doesn't smile very often while we're recording (unless she's laughing at me). She's always so serious and I'm... um... not. Maybe that's why we work so well together? I call this one The Hatchetface. If you can tell me why I call this one The Hatchetface, I'll send you a Fictional Hangover button! Seriously, a real life gift in the real life mail just for answering a simple question. Wait... did I already say that once?
May the godspawn not smite you,