Claire and I read To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han for this week's episode. We also watched the movie together even though we live 4500 miles apart. It was fun! We recorded it like we did for Let It Snow, but there wasn't really enough good stuff mixed in with our watching to warrant a bonus episode, I don't think. If there are riots in the streets, I'll release it later.
In the beginning of this episode, I discussed falling down a rabbit hole of K-Drama. If you've watched any, do you have any to recommend to me? We also reeled after the end of our favorite series The Diviners, but the episode about The King of Crows isn't coming out for a couple more weeks, so you can hold on to your cloches for now. It's going to be a misty one.
Despite the fact that this is our Valentine's Day episode, we didn't really love this book. We did dress up for it, though! Red shirts and red lipstick, sparkly tiaras and heart hands!

The book was, well, not for me. I don't love romance and I don't love contemporary and I definitely don't love contemporary romance, but it was a cute enough story. A little annoying at times, what with the bratty sisters and all the bad driving and family drama, but we had a nice discussion of it and I shared about a time that I embarrassed my older sister just like Kitty embarrassed Lara Jean in the story. Not just like, I mean, I didn't send out love letters to her crushes, but I did prance around the living room with a pair of her underwear in front of a boy she liked. That was a hilarious story and I hope you'll listen to it in the episode. And apologize to my sister for me, will you?
We enjoyed the movie, but probably more so because we watched it together while eating lots of popcorn. Often our discussion during the show wavered between the book and the movie, sometimes crossing over, sometimes mixing things up. Even though I can't really recommend this book, I will recommend the movie as we both liked it better than the book, and I will definitely recommend watching a movie on Skype with your friend, especially if you live far apart. I can't wait for the time that we actually get to meet in real life. It'll be so much fun!
Until next week,
P.S. I love you!
And now Amanda is armed with a Podcast. Oh no!
Amanda is fond of dramatic readings...
That particular memory Manda referred to with the crotch-chewed panties was mortifying. Thank God I wasn’t dumb enough to leave love letters lying around because I am CERTAIN if she didn’t figure out how to mail them, she would’ve probably read them aloud to anyone who would listen to her!!!